2WR worked with multiple owners, in a team setting, on the transformation of City Mills. Perched on the east bank of the Chattahoochee River, the property serves as a potential gateway from Bibb Village to Uptown Columbus. The site was evaluated many ways to best achieve flexibility for occupancy and future growth. The buildings were evaluated for multiple uses in conjunction with SHPO. Due to the size, construction type, and building specifics, the team provided several concepts for consideration during the development at each phase of the process. BIM modeling allowed for SHPO, ownership, and the design team to see all the pieces come together while using best practices to consider aesthetics and cost.
The current design is a product of working with SHPO, in a creative manner, to satisfy their requirements and ownership’s vision for the project. The courtyard between the buildings was also a multiple entity effort as the Riverwalk crosses through the site. Consideration to access, security, activity, sound, views, new versus old are all items that the team discussed to provide for a rich mixed-use complex.